It’s a mutually exclusive drawing context, kind of like in Photoshop.

You can also set the scale corners option in the prefs but its not exactly the same thing. The way you undo this mistake any control point move it somewhere then move it back. Make sure the fill is white color, and the stroke is black color. You have to select the opacity mask to work inside it, and then select the square to the left of it in order to resume working on your illustration. As of cc 2015 it no longer creates a normal object it creates a live shape. Select the rounded rectangle tool from the toolbar on the left-hand side. Cut your rounded rectangle, then select the opacity mask (black square) and paste the rounded rectangle inside. This will create an opacity mask, which you will see as a black square in the Transparency panel. Then select the shape to be masked, go to the Transparency panel, and use the little menu icon at the top-right to select ‘Make Opacity Mask’.

This works for me in CS4.Ĭreate an Opacity Mask Instead - Create your rounded rectangle as before, but color it white with no stroke. Only then apply the Rounded Corners effect to the mask. Here are two workarounds that you can use:Ĭhange the Order of Operations - First create a regular, unrounded rectangle and apply it as a clipping mask onto the other shape. Then add them to your iPhone vector image, or your web page if you want to use the icons for that.I am not certain why Illustrator does this, but there is no question that it does. Once you’ve made your icon you can select all parts and group them. Use Helvetica or Arial if you don’t have that font on your computer.ġ0. The icons sit on a dark screen and generally have some text underneath them. Whatever you choose to add, make sure that is sits beneath the top gradient. Now you can add a logo or symbol to the button. Set the blending mode to Screen and the Opacity to 80%. Select the new top of the square and fill it with a linear black and white gradient. NOTE The above is all done in Illustrator CS6. And then, of course, you can use the pen tool to pull Bezier handles creating curves. You can use thick strokes with round end caps. You can use VectorScribe from Astute Graphics (third party plug in - See note below). Delete the top of the ellipse and the bottom part of the square.Ĩ. You can use Effect > Stylize > Round Corners. Choose Object > Ungroup, to ungroup the divided objects then. Drag any of the corner handles within the shape to make them more or less rounded. Step 2: Click on a path and drag to create the curve. Step 1: Select the Anchor Point Tool ( Shift + C) hidden in the same tool tab as the Pen Tool. As with the regular Rectangle tool, you can either click and. You can easily edit the anchor points or simply drag the path to curve lines. To draw a rounded rectangle, select the Rounded Rectangle tool from the Rectangle tool tearoff. Select both the square and the ellipse, then open the Pathfinder palette and click on the Divide icon.ħ. To constrain proportions and create a square, press and hold Shift while you drag. Method 1: Anchor Point Tool The Anchor Point Tool works great together with the Pen Tool. Draw a black-filled ellipse above the square.Ħ. In the Transform section of the Properties panel ( Window > Properties ), click the More Options () button. Make a copy of the square and paste it directly on top of the first square.ĥ. To view or edit the properties of live shapes, do one of the following: Open the Transform panel by double-clicking any corner widget or choosing Window > Transform. To add an extra color stop, simply click under the gradient slider.Ĥ. To change a color stop, first, click on the color stop, and then click on the color you want on the Color palette. You can choose between six different shapes: a rectangle, a rounded rectangle, an ellipse. Create a linear gradient with 3 shades of the same color, starting with the lightest color on the left hand side. The Shape Tool allows you to create vectorial shapes on your canvas. Hold down the Shift key as you drag to create a square.Ģ. For the example when working in mm units the calculated radius was 5.292 mm when by clicking with the Rounded Rectangle tool after drawing the rectangle I can see the more precise number (5.2917 mm). Use the Rounded Rectangle to draw a square with round corners. That solved my problem, the results are good enough but sometimes not perfect.
Following on from yesterday’s post on how to draw a vector iPhone, here’s how to make an iPhone style icon in Illustrator.ġ.